Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thirteenth Meeting

January 15th, 1949

The thirteenth meeting of the Stern Family Circle took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Stern, Chestnut Avenue, Vineland, N.J. Adolph opened the meeting by adding a correction to secretary's minutes. She forgot to mention that Goldie had said that she would serve fried chicken. Goldie says that she'll serve it. A. says that if she does he'll faint. Also our guests of the evening are Gloria and Ben (
the daughter and son-in law of Jenny). They are leaving for Canada. A. says that the U.S. will be relieve(d). and the tax rate will go down. One loyalist going back where she belongs.

The anniversary gifts were presented to Syl and Albert on their tenth anniversary. Albert unable to make a speech, no ability, sono finer gesture than for the brother Alfred to present the gift who locks self in bathroom to check on eggs. But the training he received at the South Jersey Law School comes to his rescue and after Syl present him with a bracer Alfred says, I present you with this present. Albert says he's deeply touched.

Monty reminds meeting that there's no Mom and Pop thing. Eddie says he has to report that there was a $16.00 gift for Mom leaving a balance of $97.25. A. serious letter from a relative in Canada who is in dire straights. Monty makes a motion we send one month's dues but A. says not until circumstances can be verified. Motion made and passed to send $20.00.

Monty and Helen want lobster dinner. A. says try and hold off till later part of February as he is planning to havehis teeth removed. Is convinced to have dinner before teeth are removed so appoints a committee of Helen and Sect. who have nothing to do anyway to take care of details. A. takes up next 15 minutes with details of a speaker the B'nai Brith is going to have, a speaker who was present at Nuremberg trials and executions of high ranking Nazi's advises us all to go. to meeting, not the trials. Also talks about half an hour about just whom we all should vote for in the coming School elections and why. All of this having something to do with the fact about who should put the bibles in the schools and someone says that no one reads the bibles but the Jamaicans and way and they say that coconut juice is better than oysters. Syl ssaid that Rona (
her daughter) went out to her first Brownie meeting and was horrified because she found out they collected "doos". Treasurer collect $40.00 , twenty dollars paid out for two gifts leaving us a balance of $117.25. A; tells some jokes and the meeting is adjourned on a clean note.

Respectfully submitted

Lynn Stern, Sect.

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